Thursday, February 18, 2010

Cultural Activity: Carnival in Sitges

     When I decided to study abroad in Barcelona, all my friends who had studied abroad there last year told me that one event I absolutely must see while in Spain is Carnival in Sitges. The event, which is similar to the American Mardi Gras, is held in February of every year and lasts from the Thursday before lent until Ash wednesday. Mobs of people dress up in costumes and head to the beachside village of Sitges to drink, dance, and celebrate in the streets. There is music and a parade is held with floats carrying people in outrageous masquerade costumes. When I heard that buses were being organized to transport CEA students to Sitges for Carnival, I jumped at the opportunity to check out this famous event.
     On Tuesday night, buses picked up hundreds of CEA students in Placa Catalunya. My friends and I wore butterfly wings and decorated our faces with face paint. Students were dressed in sequins, bright colors, wigs, feathers, and masks. After a short bus ride, we arrived in the town of Sitges. It was surprisingly warm out for February so I was happy to make the twenty minute walk to the other side of the town where the festivities were being held. Sitges is a picturesque town right on the beach with winding roads and beautiful churches. After a quick scenic walk, I began to hear music and I could see the lights of Carnival.
     When I arrived, a parade of floats was passing through the streets. Women dressed head to toe in feathers and sequins and men dressed in drag rode atop the floats. Loud music blared from each float. People were drinking champagne and dancing in the streets.
     As soon as the parade ended, everyone made their way toward the beach where the party continued. DJs played music and everybody danced on the sand. It was beautiful to see so many people enjoying themselves in such a beautiful location next to the ocean. I am so glad that I got to witness this traditional celebration. I stayed on the beach until very late and then caught the bus back to Barcelona. I would definitely recommend this experience to anyone studying abroad in Spain!

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